Monday, April 22, 2013

The Life Of Innocence - Silent Struggle for a Living

Behind The Scenes - The Society Of Curse - The Life Of Transgenders.
( A Journey towards humanity)

 Its been quiet some days( 1 year) from my previous company. Just assimilating the memories of going to Mahindra world city. I generally used to catch 9.20 Train from Perungalathur to Paranur, Mahindra City.  
I have taken this very heavy topic to scribble something which had heavy impact of seeing very bizaare things in front of me.

Yes it is about "Transgenders".
 These are the thoughts rolled in mind when I traveled in local train to my office......that time, just tried maximum,  putting it in words  and narrating now....

 Most of the days, during travel through local train to mahindra city office, some transgenders boarded the train. They started asking for money. Some are very decent, if you dont give, they dont disturb, some trouble.  People mostly or literally everyone try to avoid them,  giggle at them, tease them, shout them, etc. I really dont know why it happens.

 Some questions piled in my mind like  express trains collide straight to straight, bogies accumulate top of each other. Really tough to immediately decide which  one takes priority. Then with cool  and calmness, started to decode their minds, then slowly assembled the questions/words accordingly.

 Few questions to all of us. Do we do the same to differently abled people? No. Because we understand, its God's mistake or mistake in human lifesyle, etc. This is different debate. Often,I ask this question, who believe in God, Why mistakes happen during creation?Why the difference? Manufacturing defect happens very few in a whole lot. But then he is God................

But no one gives convincing answer. Probably they defer the question, adjust saying its "Karma" or Kurma...Whatever it is. It is not justified. But one thing, I myself justify God, that he has created humanity to handle this. But poor fellow we are stumbling.  We treat them equally, understand them, some help them. But on the whole society understands  they are'nt handicapped in abilities, skills, talent, etc except physically. Thats the reason we,  the society has moved from saying them handicpped to Physically challenged to now "Differently Abled" which is a good sign.

But the critical question here, why we do bizaar things to Transgenders?
            Ask some questions to ourself. Who is responsible for their genetic dis-order? From childhood, they are quiet normal like us, they wanna live like us. They have feelings like us? They have dreams, aspirations, skills, talents like us. One life to live....But is to blame? is their anything they have done to ruin/be themselves. Do they opted for it? Do they went in wrong lines? Even we atleast feel pity for AIDS patient.
 I really fail to understand, what makes them different except their gender? Why society is failing to understand, its quiet true that third gender exists and we need to recognize, create congenial enviornment to them?

Its is similar to male, female, a third one. All we do is create some myth stories in the name of God and try to isolate. We have them byproducts. They live sorry cry in cradles of deserted place, the outskirts(cruel nature of society). The precipitated land reserved.

 Hide themselves. Hence they truoble us differently and demand money for their living. Expelled from family. Why family desert them, its due to social agony they might face, giggles, etc. Expelled from Society, no job, no platform for showing thier skills, no love, no one could understand them....But some can only truly make fun of them.....Media is ruthless. The Movie comedies proved how we need to look at them, we laugh at them. What is quiet disguisting is we have few of them coming to screens to make fun of themselves to earn a living...Oh its quiet nasty society similar to women give skinny ads/movies to get money but oneside people strive for women rights. Hence transgenders have strong agony over us. Obvious  reasons.

When I worked in Belgium on my job, I have seen a transgender in few teams working quiet and calm. People were treating them quiet normal, having fun. Worked like us. Simple. What different it makes to us. Where is wrong. Just they are humans. It is our mind. Just that. Thats it. We lack values. We lack tenacity. We lack social ethics. 

 Though I strongly disagree with reservation( meaning as-of now), I full heartedly agree with Dr. Ambedkar on reservation. Gr8 to transform the un-even society. It has paved of quiet sure with definite tenure but not indefinite tenure. But its meaning has been manipulated by our politicians for their own political vendetta, vote-bank. Pathetic. Dr. Ambedkar said crystal clearly "Socially Backward" not economically not based on caste, religion. Their is clear mis-understanding of it.

 Whatz the solution?
 This will change only if government and people join hands to bring a change.  Government should provide reservations in all categories because they are socially backward. If they are deployed in all departments like banks, post offices, transports- bus, railways, media(very important), IT, airlines (pilot, airhostress, etc), etc where especially people connect with them,  It would be quiet normal then. Create a column in all Govt database as third gender, next differently abled count, etc. Place in certificates.
Atleast erase the caste column and replace it.

And people's mindset would change, accept it as routine, Creating good space for them. Respect them, recognize their skills, talent, hidden abilities. Though we cant help them to get back our normal life interms of gender but atleast support/help them to feel happy and normal like us. Their are lot of things we need to learn from western culture but its quiet disappointing we follow all wrongs. Atleast not giggle, laugh, tease them.

We dont need to be great, not perform any special tasks, just be candid, human...Very simple.,Needs no extra maturity, thinking...
 Nobody wants sympathy....its all about change.

 We cannot clean the park at-once, it needs responsible youth to reach people and veteran's experience/ideas to click. 

Our society needs to be cleansed in all directions. But lets take this perpectives, be constructive, supportive to them atleast when we happen see them anywhere.....As we are part of it, everyone has same amount of accountability to move the society forward...We need to build it brick by brick...All  required is, keep your brick correctly.....Hope the day dawns better for them tomorrow atleast and lead a dignified life.
 We need brains to not only innovate technologies. We are in deep need of ethical people to think technologies/out-of-box ideas to change people, touch people, transform, lift or empower society, elevate people, not for living luxurily but to live happy with value towards everything & everyone in life...Transform lives....
 Never tend to hurt anyone because we dont know whats there in reserve(next life :-) ).................

Letz be the change to bring the change..............

Letz be the change to bring the change............................

Disclaimer: I am not professional writer or born poet, just share my views or ideas with you. I just start scribbling mostly on events that impact me around, anything and everything. Please pardon me if the content doesn’t match yours or mistakes if any.

Endrum Natpudan,