Monday, December 30, 2013



                I always talk about people, interacting, networking with people. Because we really don’t know what such experience can offer, what impact it may take on us hopefully positive.

                I would like take one such amazing connection in this blog.I don’t know his name. I got introduced with him 2 years back. He owns a laundry shop located at the corner of our street, 20 steps of walking. He is married, has two children a little girl studying 8th standard and a boy at 6th standard. They are studying in tamil medium.

I am not sure how much he earns but sure under 10,000/month  He runs his family with it. He has cycle to commute to his home located at a distance of 2-3 kms from shop.

Whenever I take my clothes to iron it, I just have a short chat with him. He would ask about my work.  I say I am working in MNC, etc, How I got into this field, How I studied?. How I made it from very much middleclass backround to now, 10th, +2 marks, my hobbies?, etc.  He admires it but I used to say nothing, it is similar to every work and it has its own pros and cons.

He raised cost/cloth from 4 to 5/-. But I still manage to him because I know he has a family, he is dependent on usual customers like me and that I that I took it as an opportunity help. The raise in Electricity rates is understandable and justified.

When we were having a chat, he had a requirement to get a new electric iron box as the existing is using coal with lot of weight. He knows my family that my brother is working in central Govt bank. He asked about loans, etc to buy a new iron box.

He met my brother, my brother arranged loan for him to get new iron box. My brother got a cheque and he received with happiness. He thanked us for helping on loans. He used to say ‘ I am gonna buy a new iron box soon”…….. Though my brother arranged it, I didn’t ask the details of loan.
Usually I don’t count the no.of clothes I give. One day I gave 2 full bags of clothes and left office@sholinganallur, Chennai. Evening he called our mom over phone, intimated the clothes are ironed and that to come and receive it.

He handed over the clothes and asked 275/-  total. Surprisingly he handed over 500/- note, said it was in the pant pocket. I was bit surprised but thought he is good person. This keeps happening it may be 50 or 500/- he hands it over, I receive it on my hand with those rupees shrinked as it is given after drying from washing machine.

Ok. Whats  about it? Is the question.

One day, He came to our home handed over the ironed clothes and asked whether my brother is there?  I said he is yet to come. He gave around 275/- to me and said

“Please give this to your brother as it is the EMI amount”.

I was bit shaken and surprised. I said sure and I would do that. He left.

My brother came home, I gave the money. Then I asked what his loan amount? It was 9000/- with EMI amount of around 275/- per month. My brother also said it was quiet satisfying helping such people such little amount counts lot to them as he is quiet used to give loan money worth some crores at times for industries.

For example,  Putiing the scenario into his shoes,  I own a flat with EMI around 20,000/month..If I have to equate, I got around 40000/- in a pocket equivalent to 2 EMI, Will I return it? Yes will return it without doubt but If I have serious demand and I have no choice may be don’t know……

The amount he returned say 500/- is equivalent to 2 EMI amount for him. He managed to give it to us everytime. I admire his genuinity. I everyday talk to people here in IT earning thousands/lakhs per month yet still manage to fake bills. Even some managers deprive /deny facilities to provide which company provides too. Have seen in my early stage, HR's faking recruitments for money, faking relationships too. Money, Money, Money!!!! Nothing is enough. Its a drug....

This laundry man is simple, humble, happy with what he gets everyday. He has family even he wants his children to come-up, he wants to climb-up the  ladder but...
Anything which is quick - be it LOVE, MONEY,FAME, GROWTH  is temporary.

Even last week when I left bangalore, he returned  more than 300/-. Though we check before giving, it  just happens sometimes but we are sure of the correctness of the connectivity.

I solute his honesty. True inspiration. I understand Its not the money that drives man who created it, It’s the human mind should drive it.

He won everytime when he is put into test inspite of his poverty.

He is one of the great personality I have seen….
So Special to me……Simply Great!!!

He is not only iron man- He is “THE IRON MAN”  mentally.
Money tried its best to buy him, but failed in every attempt…………………….

“Happiness is not running towards what we want, Its all about What we enjoy being One !!!”

 Remembered Albert Einsteins words
 "Try not to become man of success but man of Value".

Happy New Year- 2014 to Everyone !!!!

Endrum Natpudan,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Creation Of Human Model"

Creation Of Human Prototype.

          I am in Bangalore currently, staying in the guesthouse of my company, it has beautiful mellow, had a deep look into the flowers, started admiring the creations......

          I deeply got into the creativity of the universe, cherishing the un-imaginable space of boundary of it, it’s astonishing ability  and abundance of limitless exploration.  If you have to separate yourself and deeply categorize it and disintegrate its amazing secrets of creativity, it falls into two.

  1. Boundaryless space on bigger perspective
  2. Its miniature ( how amazingly it binds extremely small things inside of it)

BoundaryLess Space: Whats strikes when I think of it…  How the universe is poised, boundaryless, how gigantic the world is? How small we are. We are just composed of dust. We, the humans have never even found/invented/devised a way to cover significant  distance – even small percentage of extra ordinary distance interms of  length of the wide spread universe. All we tried is to travel a piece of distance( thousands of light years) – inside little galaxy-effort equivalent to going to neigbour’s house – neighbouring planets J J, We still don’t have required technology to travel even quiet a distance. Thanks to the creator as he already  witnessed human intension to not to admire the creation and that t if he had technology he would ruin the beauty and try to rule the universe. God has already seen what has happen in the history of this world where man has always tried to grab power, wealth, women. .Thanks to unreachable abundant creation, keeping the same purity, beauty, innocence with it forever until man decodes it.

Miniature: Architecture of very small beings on earth, ants, insects its colors, defensive mechanisms, instincts, the world a seed has within it. Absolutely stunning. You will feel too small if you take this view point. Come letz dive into it…..

The power of outcome of flower encompassing the innumerous trees  accompanied by a great gentle force of nature’s energy.  The skeleton of atom and particles with energy, wow, wow…..Meaning a fruit can produce million fruits, gardens…It has its latent hidden energy for which you should have different thinking process to assess its capability.

Letz admire the creation of human mankind.  Nature advises us to talk less and listen more. Hence the input devices are ears, eyes are two. Hands, legs communicative  ones  are two that helps us to approach, offer, give more but we do reverse J J All other organs has been designed, developed, architected to receive limited inputs/outputs Ex: your tongue to limited speak with genuine words, stomach to eat what is required within limits, etc. Also our face is blue printed, manipulated and atlast baseline for better appearance by God. Just imagine a face with one eye, one ear, etc. Agility and Symmetricity is handled on architecting humans. Great…..
Ok. Let’s think differently from organs.  Earth  and its evolution is a billion years history where no one can crack the root but only could assume its origin. Until then Concept of God will exist.

Lets think in the perspective of creator. How about taking  a different journey towards process of creation putting in the shoes of God,  thereby taking tour on the aspirations of Creator, bisecting within his mind, trapping the brain signals of almighty. Letz try. Letz get into spacecraft which will get us into that time of fascinating creation.

Fasten your seat belt…DDDDRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

 If humans are mere living beings with mortal bones and flesh, then what makes them special/different from others, people say it’s the sixth sense. I call it common sense. Now that Creator has created a prototype of humans with skeletons, fleshes, decided list of organs, where to locate, whats make it more sense, etc…Now think you are the creator, you have skeleton/blueprint/ prototype  ready. Place everything, Some instincts, …..All set to give initial power to make it existing one.  Lets call it Prototype (A) – Mere extension of Animal blueprint. Hence animals are more instinctive, arrogant and aggressive. Its actions are extremely unpredictable, Uncontrollable.

Is it all human? No,  If this species has to evolve over years and sustain, it has to know what to do, how to do, when to do and what?. Now the God does a initial R & D, creates and comes with greatest invention which he feels to call as human brain. He Demonstrates it that this device gives solution to all questions, it commands, monitors, administers the humans on what, when, why, how to do Let’s Call it prototype (B) .  Lets call it Animated Man or extra animal.

If  he has dropped this prototype(A+B) species in the world, what would happen?. Brain is more logical, techie, quantitative, profit minded, time centric, performance based, always. It evaluates always how to gain money, power, position, usually oriented over the dominating dynasty.

Now God thinks, Oh My God, if (A+B) is the scenario, then one of my greatest invention human species would fight among themselves in midst of voyage towards sustaining its existence. It will not only would try to dominate/rule other species but itself to demonstrate the supremacy of its own – declaring it is the super power of the world, fight for position, money, fame, fall pray to cheap things on earth- clash for land, women, etc and soon its existence will fall. Blood everywhere, barbaric cloud, war everytime, power everywhere, etc – hell hell.  Then my  invention is a blunder and soon get into situation I revoke its existence and crash its prototype in the dustbins. This was argument placed…….He wants something to suppress/regulate/control the dominating nature of brains – prototype(B).

Then came the most amazing creation to his thought as a spark like a twinking star, out of the blue,  from the gallexy with undetermined colors. Yes its called “Heart”. He decided its not organ, letz design it  like super-imposed or tosted with something special  called “Human Mind”. It will have ability to inject emotions, combined with brain will regulate commands.  It is architected as a home consisting waves of ethics, abundance in love, evidence of truth by itself.

The Heart will be so genuine, carry very nice emotions/feelings, surrounded with love, care, trust, friendship, happiness assorted with beautiness of mind, its divineness, holy spirit sandwiched.  It knows to separate good and bad, lie vs truth, love vs hatred, trust vs cheat, luxury vs legitimate needs, genuinity vs supremacy, life and death.

 Brain will do analytics of the data it collects but the heart should hopefully dominate decision making. Lets call this Prototype(C ) – “The Human Being”

Human being = Human body + Brain + Heart(conscious)

God was very happy with his creation, no more arguments. He base-lined the Prototype(C ), CheckedIn to SVN or Clearcase, secured access such that nobody could tamper/crack the source code, got copy rights,  exited to drop this species into the world.  Dropped it.  What happened?

God witnessed everything  people fighting Power, colonialism, creation of money, instigated war, hatred, sex for sale, untrusted love, fake friendship, just killing lakhs for land, women, power, positions,  all barbarism on earth.  Evil spirits dominating their thoughts, their minds corrupted, eroded. Corroded with all negativities. He felt extreme shame. Literally was about to dismantle/thrash/dis-engage this R & D of human prototype.

But it’s not the end of it, he also witnessed great people leaving everything for others, sacrificing friendship, Mother’s Love, Father’s Care, most pure, genuine, undoubted, matured love, Trust, People dying for liberalism, People shedding blood for people, absolutely fantastic things happening on earth. He saw humans exceeding God in their Godliness, wondered its creations !!!!  

He himself got into deeper understanding of LOVE than before, plunged into ecstasy or happiness, joy of living selfless, People with heart echoing with ocean of ethics & wonderful blissful love.

He got into whirl of surprise that his mortal beings of creation would trigger and demonstrate immortal things to himself. Like its said in one of my favourite movie  “TROY”, “ God envy us because humans are mortal”, but we are immortal in what we do, impact we create around us by what we do.

Suddenly he had all the reason to continue this creation.

He realized this is actually the challenge – meaning of Life of human. He  thought brain  would quantify, look for logic, data, doubt, ask for facts, look for power, be objective,  rationalize everything but heart will trigger good  positive emotions, LOVE, ethics, truth, trust, etc.

The brain and heart, will fight, match with themselves, bombard, discuss, argue  and come to consensus. It depends on individual to which he wants to dominate heart or brain? Which actually decides “THE ATTITUDE” of an individual.

Mind has the property to map and associate the data you put inside. It all depends on what you put. A good recipe depends on quality of ingredients. Putting nice things will grow nice emotions to be happy and reverse can happen if you add wrong emotions into it.

The Human conscious is nothing but the recording device which records everything we do within us that I often quantify is very important. Its property is unexplainable, invincible, unbreakable, unhidable, it has deep layers inside of it.  The Creator is happy that has provided every immunity in fight for evil by providing love in the air. He walked back slowly happily wkith the sense until LOVE binds the universe, it will exist no matter the what extent the negative force goes….

He acknowledges in himself a smile of effervescence that his creation exceeds his expectations………….walks freely and slowly and diminishes but registering his presence in human conscious, guiding, mentoring, mocking  his existence with the doubts in the human mind.

OK, Letz land from spacecraft back…You can release your seat belt…booom…..popped….thanks for the journey….

Hope you enjoyed the trip...

Factually, everyone are one among the millions who fought and won for our existence on creation process. Everyone is special and unique.

No doubt, human beings  are one of the finest creation of GOD,

Nevertheless, eliminating the philosophies, being practical,  Known the history, Whats take home,….

Machi, leave everything, Come letz

Eat well, Sleep Well, help people, love everyone. Feel free. Express what you think, Letz live. Freak out, Watch movie, sing, Dance like no one is around, be humoruous!!! Why feelings? Think Positive.....
Enjoy being  in this world, Love yourself, Be Kind, Laugh, play well, be athletic, make love, be friendly, admire creation, Be trustful, Respect Values,  Keep things SIMPLE.

Create Positive Impact with everyone and everything we connect…………….. 

Everyone has only life to live...But we have option to choose.....
We decide to live like just Animal, a living being....
Or We opt to be Animated Man.....?

Or Human Being?
Just Being is not great,  but being human is.............................

My Next LOVE, stay tunned.

Endrum Natpudan,

Love Everything

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Golden Hour Of Life........

The Rush Hour - Golden Hour of my Life...

As you guys knew, I mostly wish to paint my post with the content which impacts me a lot. I will share one such incident experienced by an IT professional. The blog follows, like he is narrating the true incident happened.

It was my Birthday,  a day  I am sure to get-up from bed very early 5.00 AM, get blessings from my mom, wishes from family and friends, as-usual bla-bla-bla. Go to temple and ask for generic and specific wish/wants.  Immediately I can see eyebrows raised, some read meaning of generic/specific? 

Especially my friends. Don’t let your wings of imagination to go beyond the proportion. I meant generic means wishes like “No/less accidents everyday, No/less corruptions, Less patients in all hospitals, soon should be cured, No defective Births,  etc”. Specific ones mean wishes of well-being my friends and families. 

My Gods are beyond religion and happen to be everything…I never let thoughts limited in this terms and  open to accept everything may be Jesus, Ganesha, Madha, Allah, Mahavir, Shridi Sai, Image/idols of everything comes on clipping around my undetermined capacity/RAM of so called human mind ..God exist or not, doesn’t matter but I believe thoughts with strong positive intensions/wishing good for someone does have greater gravity and make our life more genuine and meaningful. Normally I seldom pray but on ambulance/accident in front of me, my eyes get closed without my knowledge and starts praying for some time…..Makes me happy and rejuvenated.

I had a new stylish fasttrack watch from brother, new Shirt from sister, charged-up and went  to office, though I believe simple things are always special. Same old story, cake cutting… song…bla-bla-bla. Wishes from good people.. I wanna ask permission from my manager to return home early as family would wait for me for simple silent  internal family dinner/celebration. I love this truly. But some issue in office kept  me reluctant to ask this. It got solved due to onsite server problem but bit late.

 Let me come to the crux of the content which I wanna discuss today. I returned from office at 9.00 night.
When I crossed half-way through, I felt full of darkness with no streetlights on highway. My bike speed came-down quickly from 70 to 40 like a ramp-down of resources in IT team in software arena with no prior signal J J J.  I heard scratchy sound beside me….Two guys racing among each-other  crossing me like at tracer bulllet with minimum 100 km/hr speed.

Few Seconds, I heard a huge sound similar to a boiler rolling from Thermal power plant fell down, followed by a skidding  noice…….very very close to me its just a 4-5 meters from me. I am clueless of what happened but the sound automatically made my bike to bring into standstill position. No-body is around. Full dark.  Deserted…

I stopped my Pulsar bike on side of the road and walked towards the accidents spot. I asked for help. There were few two wheelers crossing me…they saw me parking my vehicle aside and they knew I am trying to help them. They slowed down….Thought they were gonna help me on this. One of the biker said “ Get out of this place within someone comes or you will be questioned…..move your bike….boss”. …..he went immediately…

Other than him….No body stopped…..Everyone was busy not helping……

I was in dilemma. Judges in my  mind are arguing. “There is no one to help here. What if you are considered reason for accident? What about questions.  Just get back to home, family/friends waiting for B’day celebration?, What if the condition is too bad?, If u leave this place, nothing to u,“…the thoughts were handshaking and echoing with sounds/words created by a person who spoke to me earlier to escape.

Other side of argument, “Even if you go home, you are not going to be happy about leaving this place. It will remain with you forever.  Everyone cannot do everything, every one can do something. Power to do something, Do something…Do something….. what if they are one among ur family/friends?. What if you save atleast one here…..” .....

Then, I was marching towards the spot…..First, Since it was dark and high way, speed of the vehicles is not less than 80 and no one can locate something has happened. I started flashing light from mobile to indicate the vehicles to deflect…. I used my new watch J as a reflector…….I can see the vehicles slowing down and moving aside and understanding my signals as something has happened. But nobody stopped for a while.

With my mobile flashing, saw the victims, two bikers and a passer-by was thrown out on the road. One bike in center of the road and the other bike hit the edge the road and hanging. The commuter, who was crossing the road, seriously injured. One of the biker had some conscious but blood oozing from his nose and head….He was shouting the person who crossed the road with all erotic bad words which my ears couldn’t even hear. 

 Immediatley checked the other biker he was unconscious, thickened blood flowing on the road…His legs injured like rotten tomato…pathetic…closed my eyes…. but could feel the pulse…could see serious injuries on head. The passer-by was literally dead, had no signs of life. I was asking him, ,shaking him continuously… asking the contact number of family members….no help….Checked his pockets… …...But I could see no serious injuries on him, may be….doubted internal ones…… literally thought he was dead.

No mobile. I got a cell number of his family from his wallet. The person is literally 50 years old. I didn’t think anything just dialed casually. But ones the ring goes…..I don’t know what to say…..My head and heart is trembling….experienced electrical fluctuations as lightning within my body…full of emotions….head to toe, I felt something like fear…I cant explain that feeling….My thoughts rolling…like images of the someone’s  happy family hearing this news…their kids…etc….thrasing like anything…. I was really clueless about how am I going to convey this single…..

I heard a lady voice, I assumed it to be his wife…She sounded “ Yes who is this?”. I am clueless of what to say. Immediately I asked I don’t how I did it “ call your son” ( with a gut feeling that they would have son).I said to his son “ Your father had a minor injury and met with an accident. Don’t worry and he is safe” and conveyed  info of spot. I don’t know How I said he is alive and safe.

Very terrifying…                
I started calling 1066, Apollo ambulance care. They asked the spot…and said they couldn’t make it within 30 minutes as I my voice sounded crying as very second is critical. I said you start from the place anyway let me check other options. Then I called 108 immediately, it went to central helpdesk of tamilnadu…..They only asked 2 questions:
1.      Where is the accident spot exactly?
2.     Whats  my mobile number.( immediately the call was diverted to near-by accident spot helpline). Then I had a call from helpline. They asked me the same 2 questions. I answered  and with bit of hesitation told my name “ I am and so”. (to be open and frank since I gave mobile no I was bit doubtful that I may be questioned further by police or anyone but thought “once plunged, no second thought, lets face it anyway”).

After I called ambulance, I could see some people stopping two-wheelers and came towards me. I was bit happy but they were just watching the victims….throwing their sympathy….I hate people who shower sympathy when you have a scenario in hand where you can do something…atleast they would have stood beside and supported me.” They keep saying “what happened….ayoyo….ayoyo. ” then keep a distance and watch like mega serial….Very angry…

I saw another person(assume his name is Raja) coordinating immediately out of the blue. He started to “Tell leave some space to victim for air”, “Get some water to victims…” , Re-arranged the people for air circulation. Felt happy I had a company to execute it. Then I relaxed a bit since there is someone to help further. Immediately I had a personal call, finished and came after few minutes. I don’t know what happened in-between.

Then I moved towards the 50 year old man, I could see some signs of live…his hands and legs shaken. Immediatley started asking some asking him some questions, he couldn’t answer but felt he is out of danger and his shoulder had blood stains. I saw his head, absolutely no problem, no further injury. He is safe.

After a while, could see crowd on the spot. Now I just asked to check the other two people wallet, pockets, etc to get the information to their families. Immediately they checked the pockets…They took some info from the biker who was unconscious…I was bit surprised…since I was the first person who was on the spot, I saw mobile fell on road beside this biker. I was re-collecting the image I clicked on the spot through my eyes. Completely surprised as I couldn’t find the mobile again. 

They asked the other biker, who is seriously injured but little conscious. They checked pockets nothing was there…People asked him tell some info as we couldn’t anything from pockets. With feeble voice he said his mobile number. 

We dialed the mobile number….. tring tring…………….ringing………………..Here is the twist in the story.

We got mild ringing sound somewhere…we turned….We saw a guy moving slowly out of the scene and sound slowly diminishing….followed…he hesitated a bit, we found mobile in his pocket.  We were shocked…I didn’t expect this. We found the other person’s mobile too in his(Raja) pocket. 

In-between,  108-Ambulance came immediately…I saw a driver, a doctor ready for the treatment and helper. They got the stretcher put these people in the ambulance. They questioned no one. I went to ambulance crew and introduced myself to them “I am "XXX" who called 108”.

They  said replied “ We don’t need your names, we ask where is the accident spot and just just a mobile number(to  contact incase we couldn’t reach the spot).  Nobody called me after I returned home except 1066 who consulted whether ambulance arrived. No problem.

Returned home, with a sense of great sigh of relief, felt nothing special we did other than just being human. Had a great Birthday with sense of saving some life which can only be felt and expressed with no words. Returned home.
  • ·         Saving Life is simple now. Even a child, girl or anyone can do this.  Amendments to laws are effective and supportive to people who help now. All you need is not guts, just be human.
  • ·         When we call a victim’s home, be sensible. In this, the victim  had no signs of life for 20 min but got back later. So don’t be hasty. Avoid shocks.
  • ·         Racing not only makes our life dangerous, it grabs other innocent life. In this case, 50 years old man, his family, his child:-  may be girl to get married, a guy who thrives to settle, etc
  • ·         Understand Bike/Car is just a vehicle to transport you nothing much..simple.
  • ·         Beware of people around who can be fake of helping you. They take even accident as an opportunity to loot your belonging..Very shame. Cheap/fake people are around. Be watchful. They are everywhere.
  • ·         Take a judicial call, listen to the mind voice, demarcate right/wrongs quickly. If I have escaped from the scene, I am sure It would have impacted my peace for lifetime.

The next day, I sat in a park and thinking about the minutes during the same time and …..Everyday is a day…I just spent 30-40  minutes of my time which was critical to someone and made me truly happy. Those 30 min, If I am in office, would have coded for  euro?   Would have played Table Tennis if I am free? Or In home, Just would have had a chat with my friends, or hearing a song of my choice, playing cricket for hours. But Those minutes,  felt very meaningful, most valuable hours of my life.

Now Whenever I see an accident,  I will get into the scene, and do what simple things I can do. Zero hesitation. Everyone know that first hour of accident/attack is critical to save a life.  I drafted this mail, just to share information that everyone of us can do this and enjoy the experience and lot of genuine people are doing/done it even when law was not supportive earlier. They just see human life not the problem that  follows later. I feel small in-front of them. Simply putting a fight between head and heart. Thrilling moments..

As always Heart won it over Head and remembered the below words.

"A good heart is better than all heads in the World".
