Creation Of
Human Prototype.
I am in Bangalore currently, staying in the guesthouse of my company, it has beautiful mellow, had a deep look into the flowers, started admiring the creations......
I deeply got into the creativity of the universe,
cherishing the un-imaginable space of boundary of it, it’s astonishing
ability and abundance of limitless
exploration. If you have to separate
yourself and deeply categorize it and disintegrate its amazing secrets of
creativity, it falls into two.
- Boundaryless
space on bigger perspective
- Its
miniature ( how amazingly it binds extremely small things inside of it)
BoundaryLess Space: Whats strikes when I think of it… How the universe is poised, boundaryless, how
gigantic the world is? How small we are. We are just composed of dust. We, the
humans have never even found/invented/devised a way to cover significant distance – even small percentage of extra
ordinary distance interms of length of
the wide spread universe. All we tried is to travel a piece of distance(
thousands of light years) – inside little galaxy-effort equivalent to going to
neigbour’s house – neighbouring planets J
J, We still don’t have required technology to travel even quiet
a distance. Thanks to the creator as he already
witnessed human intension to not to admire the creation and that t if he
had technology he would ruin the beauty and try to rule the universe. God has
already seen what has happen in the history of this world where man has always
tried to grab power, wealth, women. .Thanks to unreachable abundant creation, keeping
the same purity, beauty, innocence with it forever until man decodes it.
Miniature: Architecture of very small
beings on earth, ants, insects its colors, defensive mechanisms, instincts, the
world a seed has within it. Absolutely stunning. You will feel too small if you
take this view point. Come letz dive into it…..
The power of outcome of flower
encompassing the innumerous trees accompanied
by a great gentle force of nature’s energy.
The skeleton of atom and particles with energy, wow, wow…..Meaning a
fruit can produce million fruits, gardens…It has its latent hidden energy for which
you should have different thinking process to assess its capability.
Letz admire the creation of human
mankind. Nature advises us to talk less
and listen more. Hence the input devices are ears, eyes are two. Hands, legs
communicative ones are two that helps us to approach, offer,
give more but we do reverse J J
All other organs has been designed, developed, architected to receive limited
inputs/outputs Ex: your tongue to limited speak with genuine words, stomach to
eat what is required within limits, etc. Also our face is blue printed,
manipulated and atlast baseline for better appearance by God. Just imagine a
face with one eye, one ear, etc. Agility and Symmetricity is handled on
architecting humans. Great…..
Ok. Let’s think differently from organs. Earth
and its evolution is a billion years history where no one can crack the
root but only could assume its origin. Until then Concept of God will exist.
Lets think in the perspective of creator.
How about taking a different journey
towards process of creation putting in the shoes of God, thereby taking tour on the aspirations of
Creator, bisecting within his mind, trapping the brain signals of almighty.
Letz try. Letz get into spacecraft which will get us into that time of fascinating
Fasten your seat belt…DDDDRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..
humans are mere living beings with mortal bones and flesh, then what makes them
special/different from others, people say it’s the sixth sense. I call it
common sense. Now that Creator has created a prototype of humans with
skeletons, fleshes, decided list of organs, where to locate, whats make it more
sense, etc…Now think you are the creator, you have skeleton/blueprint/
prototype ready. Place everything, Some
instincts, …..All set to give initial power to make it existing one. Lets call it Prototype (A) – Mere extension of Animal blueprint. Hence animals are more
instinctive, arrogant and aggressive. Its actions are extremely unpredictable,
Is it all human? No, If this species has to evolve over years and
sustain, it has to know what to do, how to do, when to do and what?. Now the
God does a initial R & D, creates and comes with greatest invention which
he feels to call as human brain. He Demonstrates it that this device gives
solution to all questions, it commands, monitors, administers the humans on
what, when, why, how to do Let’s Call it prototype (B) . Lets call it Animated
Man or extra animal.
he has dropped this prototype(A+B) species in the world, what would
happen?. Brain is more logical, techie, quantitative, profit minded, time
centric, performance based, always. It evaluates always how to gain money,
power, position, usually oriented over the dominating dynasty.
Now God thinks, Oh My God, if (A+B) is
the scenario, then one of my greatest invention human species would fight among
themselves in midst of voyage towards sustaining its existence. It will not only
would try to dominate/rule other species but itself to demonstrate the
supremacy of its own – declaring it is the super power of the world, fight for
position, money, fame, fall pray to cheap things on earth- clash for land,
women, etc and soon its existence will fall. Blood everywhere, barbaric cloud,
war everytime, power everywhere, etc – hell hell. Then my
invention is a blunder and soon get into situation I revoke its
existence and crash its prototype in the dustbins. This was argument placed…….He
wants something to suppress/regulate/control the dominating nature of brains –
Then came the most amazing creation to
his thought as a spark like a twinking star, out of the blue, from the gallexy with undetermined colors. Yes
its called “Heart”. He decided its
not organ, letz design it like
super-imposed or tosted with something special called “Human Mind”. It will have ability to
inject emotions, combined with brain will regulate commands. It is architected as a home consisting waves
of ethics, abundance in love, evidence of truth by itself.
The Heart will be so genuine, carry very
nice emotions/feelings, surrounded with love, care, trust, friendship,
happiness assorted with beautiness of mind, its divineness, holy spirit
sandwiched. It knows to separate good
and bad, lie vs truth, love vs hatred, trust vs cheat, luxury vs legitimate
needs, genuinity vs supremacy, life and death.
will do analytics of the data it collects but the heart should hopefully
dominate decision making. Lets call this Prototype(C ) – “The
Human Being”
Human being = Human body +
Brain + Heart(conscious)
God was very happy with his creation, no
more arguments. He base-lined the Prototype(C ), CheckedIn to SVN or Clearcase,
secured access such that nobody could tamper/crack the source code, got copy
rights, exited to drop this species into
the world. Dropped it. What happened?
God witnessed everything people fighting Power, colonialism, creation
of money, instigated war, hatred, sex for sale, untrusted love, fake
friendship, just killing lakhs for land, women, power, positions, all barbarism on earth. Evil spirits dominating their thoughts, their
minds corrupted, eroded. Corroded with all negativities. He felt extreme shame.
Literally was about to dismantle/thrash/dis-engage this R & D of human
But it’s not the end of it, he also
witnessed great people leaving everything for others, sacrificing friendship,
Mother’s Love, Father’s Care, most pure, genuine, undoubted, matured love,
Trust, People dying for liberalism, People shedding blood for people,
absolutely fantastic things happening on earth. He saw humans exceeding God in
their Godliness, wondered its creations !!!!
He himself got into deeper understanding
of LOVE than before, plunged into ecstasy or happiness, joy of living selfless,
People with heart echoing with ocean of ethics & wonderful blissful love.
He got into whirl of surprise that his
mortal beings of creation would trigger and demonstrate immortal things to
himself. Like its said in one of my favourite movie “TROY”, “ God envy us because humans are
mortal”, but we are immortal in what we do, impact we create around us by what
we do.
Suddenly he had all the reason to
continue this creation.
He realized this is actually the
challenge – meaning of Life of human. He
thought brain would quantify,
look for logic, data, doubt, ask for facts, look for power, be objective, rationalize everything but heart will trigger
good positive emotions, LOVE, ethics, truth,
trust, etc.
The brain and heart, will fight, match
with themselves, bombard, discuss, argue
and come to consensus. It depends on individual to which he wants to
dominate heart or brain? Which actually decides “THE ATTITUDE” of an
Mind has the property to map and
associate the data you put inside. It all depends on what you put. A good
recipe depends on quality of ingredients. Putting nice things will grow nice
emotions to be happy and reverse can happen if you add wrong emotions into it.
The Human conscious is nothing but the
recording device which records everything we do within us that I often quantify
is very important. Its property is unexplainable, invincible, unbreakable,
unhidable, it has deep layers inside of it.
The Creator is happy that has provided every immunity in fight for evil
by providing love in the air. He walked back slowly happily wkith the sense
until LOVE binds the universe, it will exist no matter the what extent the
negative force goes….
He acknowledges in himself a smile of
effervescence that his creation exceeds his expectations………….walks freely and
slowly and diminishes but registering his presence in human conscious, guiding,
mentoring, mocking his existence with
the doubts in the human mind.
OK, Letz land from spacecraft back…You
can release your seat belt…booom…..popped….thanks for the journey….
Hope you enjoyed the trip...
Factually, everyone are one among the millions who fought and
won for our existence on creation process. Everyone is special and unique.
No doubt, human beings are one of the finest creation of GOD,
Nevertheless, eliminating the philosophies, being
practical, Known the history, Whats take
Machi, leave everything, Come letz
Eat well, Sleep Well, help people, love everyone. Feel free. Express what
you think, Letz live. Freak out, Watch movie, sing, Dance like no one is around, be humoruous!!! Why feelings? Think Positive.....
Enjoy being in this
world, Love yourself, Be Kind, Laugh, play well, be athletic, make love, be
friendly, admire creation, Be trustful, Respect Values, Keep things SIMPLE.
Create Positive Impact with everyone and everything we connect……………..
Everyone has only life to live...But we have option to choose.....
We decide to live like just Animal, a living being....
Or We opt to be Animated Man.....?
Or Human Being?
Just Being is not great, but being human is.............................
My Next LOVE, stay tunned.
Endrum Natpudan,
Love Everything
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